Friday, September 2, 2011

Merapi (peak height of 2968 m above sea level, per 2006) is a volcano in central Java and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia

Merapi (peak height of 2968 m above sea level, per 2006) is a volcano in central Java and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Slopes of the south side are in the administrative district of Sleman, Yogyakarta, and the rest are in the area of ​​Central Java province, namely Magelang District on the west side, Boyolali district on the north and east, and Klaten district in the southeast. Forest area around the peak to be Mount Merapi National Park area since 2004.

The mountain is very dangerous because, according to modern records have erupted (peak activity) every two to five years and is surrounded by very dense settlements. Since 1548, this mountain has erupted about 68 times. Magelang and Yogyakarta City is the nearest large town, is under 30 miles from its peak. On the slopes there is still a settlement to an altitude of 1700 m and is just four kilometers from the summit. Because of this interest rate, Merapi, one of sixteen volcanoes of the world are included in the project Volcano Decade (Decade Volcanoes).

Improved status of "normal active" to "alert" on September 20, 2010 recommended by the Center for Investigation and Technological Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta. After about a month, on October 21, status changed to "idle" since 18:00 pm. At this level of displacement activity has to be prepared. Due to increasing activity, indicated by a high frequency multiphase earthquakes and volcanic earthquakes, from 06.00 pm tangggal October 25 BPPTK Yogyakarta recommend increasing the status of Mount Merapi to "alert" and all the inhabitants of the area within a radius of 10 km from the summit should be evacuated and evacuated to the region safe.
The first eruption occurred at around 17:02 pm on October 26. At least up to three times the eruption occurred. Volcanic eruptions eject material as high as approximately 1.5 miles and accompanied the release of heat clouds which swept Kaliadem, Kepuharjo Village, District Cangkringan, Sleman. and killed 43 people, plus a baby from Magelang who died because of respiratory problems.

Since then regurgitated hot clouds started happening irregularly. Starting October 28, Mount Merapi spewed lava which appeared almost simultaneously with the discharge of hot clouds at 19:54 pm. Next start a fire point of silence was observed at the peak on November 1, marking a new phase that magma has reached the crater hole.
However, different from the character of Merapi typically, rather than the formation of a new lava dome, which in fact happened was increased activity bursts of lava and hot clouds since November 3. A large explosive eruptions eruption begins on the morning of Thursday, November 4, 2010, resulting in a 4 km-high column of clouds and bursts of hot clouds in different directions at the foot of Merapi. Furthermore, since about three o'clock in the afternoon eruption that will not cease until the evening and reached its peak in the early hours Friday, November 5, 2010. Toward midnight, the radius of danger to all the places enlarged to 20 km from the summit. The series of eruptions as well as the roar sounded through the city of Yogyakarta (distance about 27 km from the summit), Magelang and Wonosobo regency center (distance 50 km). Rain gravel and sand reach the city of Yogyakarta to the north, while the thick volcanic ash rains swept through Navan and Cilacap. In the afternoon, volcanic ash is known to have reached Tasikmalaya, Bandung and Bogor.

Secondary hazards of cold lava flow also threatens the region lower after November 4, heavy rain occurs around the peak of Merapi. On November 5 of the Code in the city of Yogyakarta declared status as "alert" (red alert).

Strong eruption 5 November followed by a high activity for about a week, before there was a slight decrease in activity, but the security status remains "Beware". On 15 November 2010 to limit the danger radius of Magelang regency reduced to 15 km and to two other districts of Central Java became 10 km. Just for the District. Sleman that still remain in place 20 km radius of danger.

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