Friday, August 26, 2011

Taal Volcanos is the Most Dangerous Volcanoes in the World

Volcanoes can be defined as a Decade Volcano if the show is more than one volcanic hazard (people living near the volcano is likely to be victims tefrit fall, pyroclastic flows, lava flows, lava, volcanic body instability, and the collapse of the lava dome), recent shows geological activity, located in densely populated areas, politically and geographically can be researched, and the presence of local support. Eruption in one of the volcanoes that are designated as Decade Volcanoes may threaten the safety of tens to hundreds of thousands of lives. Therefore, efforts to tame the dangers of eruptions in volcanoes are considered important.
Taal Volcano is a volcanic complex on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. This mountain consists of an island in Lake Taal, which is located inside the caldera formed by previous eruptions are very strong (this process is similar to Lake Toba). Taal Volcano is located about 50 km (31 miles) from the capital, Manila. This mountain has erupted several times harder, bringing one of the most powerful eruption in 1991 that killed more than a thousand souls.

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