Tuesday, September 6, 2011

wouw ! sex in the air

That's the online version of Radio Nederland give the title of one article over the weekend. The title was not just a metaphor, but it could come true.

A Dutch escort company, Girls Company, which seemed to lack a place to provide commercial sexual services, opening up a new service: sex in the air. To popularize this service, the company that makes the competition that gave an opportunity for everyone to tell a story, based on personal experience, about the most exciting places to have sex. For example in the change room at a shop, warehouse, office and others.

Radio was mentioned, though the organizers of a commercial sex services company in the Netherlands, does not mean that participants must be from the land of windmills. Anyone can participate. The winner will get to enjoy a special prize as he boarded the jet is accompanied by a person '.

Gifts can also be tailored to the sexual identity of the winner, if not unlawful. In other words, Girls Company not only for participants heterosexuals, homosexuals of participants may also participate.

"This step was taken in response to frustration because of the business (sex) is often viewed negatively," said company director, Wouter van der Heijden, as published by the daily De Telegraaf. Later in the Netherlands, the commercial sex business services are often accused of human trafficking.

Heijden added, those who liked to call the service man or woman, feel the experience of enjoying sex in the air would be incredible. He bragged a bit by calling this contest was first in the world. But he did not refute the sexual services using aircraft already been done in other countries. Companies in the United States opened the first such service.

Britain could provide such services, but then banned by the air traffic services, for endangering the safety, the pilot could not concentrate.

"In England the services are provided in a small propeller plane. The space between the pilot and the passenger cabin is limited only curtains. We will differ, this eight-passenger aircraft with a cabin," said Wouter van der Heijden told De Telegraaf.

Do not know yet whether the contest could be a loss leader perusaahan latest services of commercial sex in the city of Amsterdam. Price sexual services priced in the air was 6,000 euros (or USD 72 million) each way. The aircraft will be circling over the Dutch airspace. Oiya, 6,000 euros was just a standard package.

A man sued for 10,000 euros when he was unable to have sex

A man sued for 10,000 euros (USD 121 million) by the former husband to his wife because when he was unable to have sex with him for 'several years'.

French male 51-year-old, who only referred to as Jean-Louis, ignoring one of his role as husband, that is satisfying his wife, Monique, sexually. Daily Mail, Tuesday (09/06/2011), reported that women 47 years Jean Lous sued to pay damages of 10,000 euros and took his divorce case to the appeals court.

The court granted the demands mengharus Monique and her husband to pay compensation. In court in Aix-en-Provence is revealed, the couple had been married for 21 years and raised two children on the French Riviera. But the stress of work and prevents diseases Jean-Louis can fulfill duties as a husband to satisfy the sexual desires of his wife, his lawyer said. The woman in gugatanya stated that no satisfactory sex and low libido her husband have made their marriage broke up.

In announcing its decision, the judge quoted the French criminal and civil law, which asserts that sexual relations are part of a wedding. Sex is rarely a problem, along with violence and infidelity, are often so because of the hundreds of claims of divorce in France. However it is very rare that a husband or wife to pay compensation in the form of money specifically for the reason of failure in satisfying your partner sexually. A similar case occurred in France in 2000.

There's inclination, the French have no problem in having sex husband and wife. A survey by the French Institute of Public Opinion which asked 1,000 adults found that 76 percent of the respondents 'experiencing problems associated with a poor sex life'. Half of those surveyed also said they 'have no desire for sex. More than a third of French women claim to headache, fatigue or 'not in front of children' as an excuse to say no when asked to have sex by their partners. One of the six men claimed to have used a similar reason.

Dog Bite Dangers Cause RABIES

At home, we had a dog since two years. My boys are 8 years old is very close to our dog. Two weeks ago, he was bitten by our dog. My wife panicked for fear my child will be infected with rabies. Fortunately, my wife immediately took him to the nearest hospital. The doctor who examined carefully inquire of those bites. Apparently my dog ​​bite my son because his leg pinned. So, instead of biting spontaneously. According to doctors, the possibility of contracting rabies my child is very small.
Wounds cleaned my child and my child provided with antibiotics and a tetanus shot, but not given rabies vaccine. Two weeks have passed, our dog was healthy. We feel happy because the doctor said if in 10 days or two weeks the dog is healthy, means not suffering from rabies.

I am trying to find information on the internet about rabies. Apparently this disease is very frightening. Almost all patients who contracted rabies died, preceded by symptoms of a disease very painful. Although rabies is a deadly disease, the disease can be prevented by preventing dog bites and animal carriers of rabies virus. In addition, rabies vaccine was also instrumental to prevent rabies.

Whether the vaccine is already available in Indonesia? Where a dog bite victim should seek treatment to avoid rabies? What to do dog owners that dogs not exposed to rabies?

M J.

Rabies disease is still there in our country or in Asia. Actually, in comparison with other countries in Asia, the prevalence of rabies in our country is relatively low. Each year the incidence of rabies in India reached 20,000 cases, 2,500 cases of China, the Philippines 200-300 cases, Vietnam 9,000 cases, while in Indonesia, 150 cases. However, in 2009 and 2010 was an increase in cases, especially in Bali and Nias. Hopefully by 2011 it will decrease again. Around 24 provinces in Indonesia has reported cases of rabies. Jakarta including the province that until now has not found cases of rabies in humans.

What happens if a person is bitten by a dog suffering from rabies? The person is at risk of contracting the virus that can attack the brain. Symptoms of rabies will occur from 10 to 50 days. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, headache, and fever.

Symptoms of rabies can also be accompanied by paralysis, starting from the lower limbs. Increased anxiety, may be accompanied by seizures, and also increases saliva production. Throat muscles have spamus (seizures) if the patient drinks. Spamus causes sufferers to feel sick if you drink water. Therefore, rabies is often also called hydrophobia (fear of water). Patients also may become unconscious (coma). Death in rabies can occur because of airway obstruction, seizures, or paralysis wide.
Control of rabies in our country should be implemented in an integrated way. Antarkementerian cooperation is needed, such as the Ministry of Health with the Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture needs to keep the dog, no contracting rabies and do not bite humans.

There used to be laws that oblige if the dog out of the house, her mouth must be suppressed so as not to bite people. However, many dogs that roam now, nobody cares. These dogs are at risk of contracting rabies. Dogs that are kept can be maintained so as not infected with rabies by vaccination. In addition, the dog population should also be controlled, for example by the operation so that the dog did not have a child.
Ministry of Health needs to keep people (especially children) do not bite dogs. Services to help people bitten by dogs should be available, including rabies centers capable to prevent rabies management with governance wound cleaning, administration of rabies immune globulin and rabies vaccine. At the center of rabies is also available the means necessary for supervision of dogs that bite if the dog had rabies. Dogs infected with rabies will usually die within ten days.

Actually, rabies vaccines used in addition to post-exposure (bite), is also useful for preventing rabies bites before they happen. Therefore, veterinarians, laboratory workers, and those who are in frequent contact with dogs are encouraged to undergo vaccination before exposure to the bite. Rabies vaccine is provided by the government, but the vaccine can also be purchased at a price a bit expensive.

Not all people bitten by rabid dogs need to be vaccinated. The doctor will assess the risk of rabies transmission. As your child, your dog is a dog that is maintained. The dog does not bite spontaneously, but because of pain. Thus, it is understandable if the doctor who examined your child decides not need to give rabies vaccine. However, he was more worried about the infections that may occur, including the possibility of tetanus. Therefore, the wound should be cleaned, your child needs to be given antibiotics and given a tetanus vaccine replicates.

We must reduce the population of stray dogs because dogs are not maintained is more susceptible to diseases, including rabies.

Wouw !! Every 10 Minutes, One Man Died of Rabies

World Animal Health Organisation (Office International des Epizooties / OIE) is committed to support international community efforts to eradicate the disease hydrophobia (rabies) worldwide. Viral disease transmitted from animals to humans has caused death of nearly 55,000 people per year worldwide, including in Indonesia.

The victims, mostly children, die after a period of terrible suffering. "Every ten minutes one person dies from rabies somewhere in the world. Ninety-nine percent of human cases due to bites by infected dogs. Rabies causes more deaths in the world than any other infectious disease and mainly affects children in developing countries," said Director General of the OIE, Bernard Vallat in his editorial on the OIE website, welcomed the Conference on Global Rabies Treatment 7 to 9 September 2011, in Seoul, South Korea.

OIE itself is based in Paris, France. Global Rabies Treatment Conference was organized in collaboration with OIE, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (Food and Agriculture Organization / FAO) and World Health Organization (World Health Organization / WHO) and the South Korean government. The conference was needed to bring together all parties involved in controlling rabies in animal sources and helps to create synergy between their individual efforts.

According to the OIE, the majority of resources available in rabies endemic countries is currently directed to treating humans who have been bitten, in many cases, by a dog. Most of the dogs without the owner or owners have failed to be responsible for animal health and to keep the animal under control.

OIE also noted that allocates part of these resources for the prevention of rabies in animals and the wild dog population control would help reduce the number of rabies cases in humans and animals worldwide.

Conference in Seoul would give priority to good governance decisions on the distribution of public resources or private, local, national and international response in animals that priority actions in line with the new concept of "One Health (One Health)", namely the concept of synergy handling of animal diseases and humans. The conference will also provide an opportunity to highlight recent success stories in the field of diagnosis, vaccination, animal population control, and governance system that involves various stakeholders, from public and private sectors.

Recommended conference in Seoul that will help prepare the OIE international standards on the new rabies control and achieve better coordination with its partners.
The conference will be open to all scientists concerned with the animal and public health, representatives from the veterinary services and animal health and public sectors and human health managers from around the world as well as all non-governmental players to contribute to control of rabies throughout the world.

Rabies caused by rabies virus from the genus Lyssavirus. Rabies virus in saliva, dogs or other carnivores. Transmission to humans occurs due to transmission through the saliva of rabid dogs that bite infected humans. Dogs infected with rabies virus usually show visible symptoms of savage about to bite, spit out excess water, and fear of water.
The last case of mad dog that is recorded by the OIE on August 16, 2011 in France. The case in France was known to spread from a puppy imported from Morocco on August 1, 2011 without complying with the health requirements of the disease. The animals come into contact with the puppy has been identified, namely the three cats that eventually dieutanasia (lethal injection) and a dog in the surveillance. Humans who come into contact with dogs have their health checked, too.

In Indonesia, hundreds of people have died after being bitten by a dog infected with rabies virus. Case of mad dog, for example, has even attacked the island of Bali, which since the time of the Dutch island of free thought mad dog. Two patient deaths due to rabies also occurs on the island of Nias, North Sumatra, in February 2011.
Flores Island is also still struggling to free a mad dog. As reported in Kompas, Denilson Tomy Toja (2 years), patients with rabies, villagers Nitakloang, District Nita, Kabupaten Sikka, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, died at Regional General Hospital TC Hillers, Maumere, August 13, 2011.

To raise awareness of the importance of handling the world's top rabies, the OIE conducting a World Rabies Day which falls on September 28.

Here are tips to avoid rabies:

1. Vaccinate pet dog with rabies vaccine to the nearest vet.

2. If bitten dog wash immediately with detergent and immediately came to the doctor or the nearest hospital.

Monday, September 5, 2011

children who live with smokers have higher rates of experiencing respiratory

Cigarettes are not only bad for people who suck, but also for those who are exposed to cigarette smoke exposure. Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) confirms that children who live with smokers were more frequently absent from school than children who live in smoke-free home.

Researchers say children who live with smokers have higher rates of experiencing respiratory disease can be caused by exposure to cigarette smoke, as has been released in the online edition of Pediatrics.

"Among children aged 6-11 years who live with smokers, a quarter to a third frequently absent from school due to exposure to secondhand smoke at home," said Douglas Levy, PhD, Institute of Mongan.

The authors note that one-third of U.S. children living with one smoker, and over half of those aged 3-11 years are exposed to tobacco has been detected in the blood flow in them.

Researchers concluded that passive smoking risk in meningkatknya ear infections and some respiratory problems. And absenteeism in school children caused by cigarette smoke is a serious measure of the illnesses suffered by children.

From the analysis of 3087 children, researchers found that more than 14 percent of children live in homes with at least one person smoking, 8 percent lived with one smoker and 6 percent lived with two even more smokers at home.

Researchers said that children living with one smoker at home had an average of 1.06 per day absent, and those who live with two or more smokers at home, possibly amounting to 1.54 per day absent.

Based on the type of illness, ear infections and respiratory problems resulting in 24 percent of children do not attend school (one person living with smokers) and 34 percent of children do not attend school (with two smokers in the house).

Falling in love turns out to have the effect of 'intoxicating' as well as cocaine

Falling in love turns out to have the effect of 'intoxicating' as well as cocaine, according to a study of the experts.

And love at first sight it is true, where on the condition, your brain will be flooded with chemicals trigger euphoria in just over a fifth of a second after seeing people you like.

Based on the study of experts in the United States, when one becomes in love, those feelings will affect the senses of hearing ability.

By the time someone looked at the figure idol of the heart, 12 regions in your brain will become active, including in areas that are usually associated with intelligence and one's ability to solve the puzzle.

At the same time, the brain is then flooded with a body chemical that causes feelings of pleasure such as dopamine, oxytocin and adrenaline. All three substances that can arise due to be triggered by cocaine.

"That is why a person may feel better than ever," said Professor Stephanie Ortigue, researchers from Syracuse University, New York.

He said, this result also explains that love has a scientific basis. But this then begs the question, whether the heart or brain in love?

"I would rather say the brain, but also heart-related. Activation in several parts of the brain can cause stimulation to the heart," he said.

Here are the things that happen in the body when we are enjoying the beauty of falling in love

Falling in love feels immense. That phrase seems to describe exactly how one's feelings when the heart is in love.

Scientists have long been concerned with the chemical reaction of the body when someone is falling in love. It is known that certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine and phenetylamine, becomes active.
Chemical reactions are very influential on mood, making the body in vigilance, as well as making it easier to attach emotions to others.

"Falling in love is to give certain effects on the brain as well as time consuming additives. The active brain is the center of the reward (reward center), like when we were taking drugs," said Ethlie Ann Vare, author of Love Addict: Sex, Romance, and Other Dangerous Drugs.

Here are the things that happen in the body when we are enjoying the beauty of falling in love.

Difficulty sleeping
Difficult close my eyes at night is the influence of too much dopamine and neropineprin response flowery feelings experienced by people who fall in love. "The body is in a high energy. This also explains why we often face flushed if menginat him," said Dr.Helen Fisher, author of Why Him, Why Her.

No appetite
When we're mad at someone, so it was difficult to swallow food. According to psychologists, this phase is a period in which the mind filled by an obsession with a loved one. Nevertheless, though not the appetite of people who are drunk romance still capable of conducting its activities because his body does not lack energy.

Although the concentration is difficult to think clearly, but that is in the mind is just about it. Scientists say it is because dopamine levels are high so we behave obesesif. So then we're considering in detail all the things that lovers do, what to say, the way she smiles, and other small things.

Chest pain
When someone is feeling depressed and feels like chest pain, it could be a panic attack. "When you're in love, brain circuits are active is associated with anxiety and panic," said Fisher.

Nausea and abdominal discomfort
Almost most people never feel the sensation of discomfort in the abdomen just before something special will happen. Falling in love has the same privileged level. This will cause the brain releases several hormones that affect blood circulation to the abdomen causing the discomfort.

Some claim to feel like there are butterflies in the stomach. There is also a feeling legs felt weak, dry mouth, increased heart rate and sweaty hands. The good news, if the relationship is preserved, this feeling turned into a bond of deep and soothing.

Various benefits of teaching babies to swimming

Teach baby to swim since the first year has many benefits. Not only beneficial for babies, swimming can also improve the bonding between parent-child.

Unfortunately, there are still many parents who see eye swimming activities for infants. Or maybe, they are too worried and thought too soon. In fact, taught to swim as early as possible to children, provide more benefits.

Water Babies surveys conducted showed 40 percent of parents in England claimed to have never predicted the existence of the positive benefits of teaching babies to swim on. Though third-highest accident in children in the UK due to child drowning. Teach children to swim early on, it was able to increase the confidence of children in the water, and make it able to protect themselves.

Swimming with your baby becomes a fun moment for children and parents. In addition to thrilling, swim with the baby also improve parent-child bonding.

Physical and mental development
Activity swim practice physical and mental development of children. Children not only grow fitter and stronger, but also helps children to better appetite and sleep more soundly.

Learn life-skills
In fact, swimming is not just a physical sport. Through the pool, the baby can also learn life-skills, including ability to survive and maintain themselves.

According to the survey, 90 percent of fathers and mothers agree that becomes their responsibility to ensure their children have life-skills. That is, is the duty of parents to educate and guide children untukmemiliki life-skills like the ability to swim, bike, understand ethics at the dinner table. However, more than a third claimed a commitment to foster a life-skill is unbeatable because of busy work.

Paul Thompson, co-founder of Water Babies says, "Teaching children about basic safety in the water level and confidence in the water can save him. Through progressive training, the baby can learn self defense skills from an early age, such as swimming approaching solid objects while in water, and so forth. "

What age start swimming?
Most parents, the survey respondents Water Babies, said children should start learning beranang ranging in age from three. But in fact, children can learn to swim sooner.

Infants in the first year experienced a high development of the brain, every movement will stimulate the development of the brain, strengthens the nerves and make the brain work more efficiently.

"Two-day old baby never learned to swim with us. The first year of life is crucial, especially in its development. Regular exercise also had a big hand in supporting the growth and development. The water allows muscles to move freely babies. Exercise in the water, suitable for children," Thompson said

Japanese scientists are altering the brain's white-colored mice that were previously opaque to crystal clear

Japanese scientists succeeded in creating a transparent brain. By using a solution called SCA le, scientists are altering the brain's white-colored mice that were previously opaque to crystal clear. Created a transparent brain could help scientists see the fluorescent marker inserted in the rat. Medical imaging enters new era with the creation of this transparent brain.

"Our current research is focused on the rat brain, but its application was limited to mice or brain," said Atsushi Miyawaki, RIKEN Brain Institute Japanese researchers who created this transparent brain. "We could develop the use of SCA le to other organs such as heart, muscle and kidney and in tissues of primates and human biopsy samples," continued Miyawaki as quoted by National Geographic, Friday (2/9/2011).

SCA le is a solution made from a material that is relatively simple. Its composition is urea (the main compound in the urine), glycerol (a compound also found in soaps) and detergent called Triton X. To make the brain transparent, the brain organ soaked for 2 weeks in this solution.

Unlike other solutions are also used to help see the brain, the SCA did not eliminate the fluorescent marker le. During this time, a fluorescent marker used to assist fluorescent imaging. Fluorescent imaging techniques alone are used to map the architecture of the brain, ranging network of nerves, blood vessels and other structures.

Created a transparent brain mapping can help the brain architecture. More breadth, transparent organ imaging could help early before a more expensive imaging such as CT and MRI. Applications for disease management, physicians can analyze whether a given treatment actually affects the target organ. These things can not be done before the medical world.

Despite many benefits, le SCA solution will not be widely used soon. Miyawaki said, SCA le is still too toxic to use. "We are currently looking for candidates other reagents that allow us to study the living tissue in the same way with a lower transparency," says Miyawaki. Miyawaki discovery published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, Tuesday (09/30/2011) then.

There Chunks of Ice On Mars

Satellites orbiting Mars crater imagery captures unique in that the red planet. Scientists believe the crater in the past been filled with water and constitute evidence that Mars had lakes contain water. The invention is characterized by the presence of a rare image of the delta in the crater, where the water flows and sediment precipitate in the form of a typical fan.

The crater was named for the delta Eberswalde crater. 65 km wide crater is now dry, but scientists believe that the crater was previously wet watery alias. The discovery was made by the European Space Agency (ESA) with the Mars Express, a satellite orbiting Mars since 2003. Scientists communicate the results of this discovery on Friday (09/02/2011) then.

In that image, it appears that the crater has a shape like a circle. In the picture above, looks crater located on the right image. The crater was formed through the process of asteroid collision that occurred 3.7 billion years ago. Similarly, the opinion of scientists such as those described in the publication last Friday Space.com.

At the top of the picture, it appears that there is a larger circle on the left. The circle is the image of Holden crater formed after the Eberswalde, also due to collisions with celestial bodies. Holden crater Pemebentukan result in a "buried" Eberswalde crater structure. Fortunately, the structure of the delta marker once the flow of water can still be seen.

Scientists decipher, the delta has an area of ​​115 square km. In the surrounding parts of the delta, there are strokes that indicate the channel where water flows. The existence of the crater, delta and channels where water flows into one of the supporters of the theory that Mars in the past never had water in liquid form and flows like a river on Earth.

Further research is still done. Holden and Eberswalde crater itself will become a NASA space probe landing site on Mars, Curiosity, which will be launched November 2011.

The characteristics of Women Who Like Sex

OkCupid, blogs from the dating site OkCupid, recently conducted a survey of millions of users. The survey results are then compiled into infografis that reveal trends of sexual behavior of their users. Some pretty amazing findings, such as: what is the link between the use of Twitter and one's libido? What is the relationship vegetarian with oral sex? Unfortunately, the survey did not provide further analysis. You can only find a few unique facts, as follows:

1. Women who do not like to exercise tend to be more difficult to have an orgasm. The trend was even two times more difficult than for women who like to exercise. Fortunately, the correlation decreases in the range of 18-50 years of age. Beyond that age, you will be more difficult to achieve orgamse when you choose a relaxed lifestyle.

2. Vegetarian people liked oral sex session. Data obtained from millions of users OkTrends (in 2010 this blog has recorded 3.5 million users) is not equipped with further explanation, and only expose statistics. Presented there, 9:1 vegetarian men like giving oral sex to their partner, compared to 7:1 nonvegetarian men. For women, around one third of that number.

3. Curvy bodied women have a higher libido. Women with a body containing the highest reaches of confidence at age 29. Consistently they are also known to have the highest sex drives than women slim. Curvy body, despite the negative connotations, it has a sensual feel of the strongest of one's self description.

4. People who are very fond of Twitter has a brief romantic relationship. Active people send a tweet allegedly still wishy-washy, not looking for a permanent relationship, or conversely, not the person sought for a permanent relationship. The more you get older, the more often you nge-tweet, the less your tendency to get married.

5. Twitter users more frequent masturbation. Those who send a tweet every day has a chance of 2:1 to masturbate on a particular day. In fact, because of Twitter users feel comfortable to share things about herself every day, they are more likely to admit that he often masturbated.

6. The more expensive your tuition money, the higher your libido. Ivy League student (an association of eight elite college in America) and private university students claimed to want to have sex five to six times a week. Compare with the state university students who "just" want to have sex four to five times a week.

Ertugrul Gunai "We are optimistic to achieve more than that target,"

Until the end of 2011, Turkey successfully penetrate the target 30 million tourists. "We are optimistic to achieve more than that target," said Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey Ertugrul Gunai as Anatolia news on Monday (05/09/2011).

According Gunai, for the sake of that target, it also enhances the performance of working with statistical agencies, the calculation of income from tourism by TurkStat systems and so on.

The number of tourists to Turkey during the first six months of 2011 was 17,624,969 people, up 10.64 percent than the same period last year.

In July 2011, the number of tourists is in the position of 4,597,475 inhabitants. This figure rose 5.49 percent than in July 2010.

During July, the German, Russian, and English is the native country with the highest number of tourists visiting Turkey.

Nepal airlines cancel flights to Bangkok before the rat was caught

Nepal airlines cancel flights to Bangkok, on Monday (05/09/2011) because of the discovery of a rat in the kitchen pass their Boeing 757 aircraft. Passengers were evacuated from the plane, and planes would be flown before the rat was caught.

As stated by Nepal Airlines spokesman, Raju KC, Monday (09/05/2011) told the Associated Press. According to Raju, the mice, entered the aircraft through a food catering truck while the aircraft is located at Kathmandu Airport.

The cabin crew, has actually been trying to find the mice, but failed. It is feared that no wires are bitten by a rat in question, so a search or inspection of aircraft components were intensified.

Nepal Airlinesdulu known as Royal Nepal Airlines, the national airline of Nepal. Founded in 1958, is now Nepal Airlines has seven aircraft, including two Boeing 757.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol is a tourist attraction in North Jakarta, Indonesia

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol is a tourist attraction in North Jakarta. As a community renewal of public life that became the pride of the nation. Always create a better social environment through the presentation of quality entertainment berunsur arts, culture and knowledge, in order to realize the community 'Life Re-Creation' which became the pride of the nation.

Since its inception in 1966, Ancol Dream Park or so-called Ancol is intended as an integrated tourism area by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. To realize these goals, the government of Jakarta has appointed PT Pembangunan Jaya as Executing Agency Development (BPP) Project Ancol conducted in stages in accordance with the increase of national economy and people's purchasing power.

In line with the increasing development of the company in 1992, the Implementing Agency for Development status (BPP) Project was changed to PT Ancol Pembangunan Jaya Ancol No change in accordance with the deed. 33 dated July 10, 1992 so that there is a change of ownership and percentage ownership of shares, that is 20% owned by PT Pembangunan Jaya and 80% owned by the Government of DKI Jakarta.

On July 2, 2004 Ancol do "go public" and change the status of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk., With 72% shareholding by the Government of DKI Jakarta and 18% by PT Pembangunan Jaya and 10% by the public. Step "go public" was done to further improve the performance of the company, because it will be more controlled, scalable, efficient and effective with a high level of professionalism and creating a Clean & Good Governance. Performance and a positive image of this will make the company continue to grow and develop healthily in the future. PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk also make efforts Ancol repositioning with the launch of the new logo on July 10, 2005. These changes are not merely replacing the company logo, but also to boost morale and overall corporate culture.

Bandung City is the largest metropolitan city in West Java

Bandung City is the largest metropolitan city in West Java at once became the capital of the province. The city is located 140 km southeast of Jakarta, and is the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya, according to population. While the area of ​​Bandung Raya (Jakarta Metropolitan Area) is the third largest metropolitan area in Indonesia after the Greater Jakarta and Gerbangkertosusila (Grebangkertosusilo). In this historic city, stands a first engineering college in Indonesia (Technische Hoogeschool, now ITB) , became the battleground in the time of independence , and once the venue for the Asian-African Conference 1955, a meeting that voiced the spirit of anti-colonialism, and even the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru in his speech said that Bandung is the capital of Asia and Africa.

In 1990 the city of Bandung was one of the safest cities in the world by Time magazine survey.
The city flower is another name for this city, because in earlier times was considered very beautiful city with many trees and flowers that grow there. In addition to Bandung was once also called Parijs van Java because of its beauty. Besides the city of Bandung is also known as the town shopping, with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in this city, and now gradually became a city of Bandung is also a culinary tour. And in 2007, the British Council to make the city of Bandung as a pilot project terkreatif town as East Asia. Today the city of Bandung is one of the main purposes of tourism and education.