Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum is located at No 2 Jalan Pos Kota, West Jakarta municipality, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Museum is located exactly opposite the Jakarta History Museum is displaying a local ceramics from various regions in the country, from the kingdom of Majapahit era 14th century, and from various countries around the world.
Building that was built on January 12, 1870 was originally used by the Government of the Netherlands Indies for the Office of the Council of Justice at Batavia Castle (Ordinary Raad van Justitie Binnen Het Kasteel Batavia). When the Japanese occupation and the struggle for independence around 1944, where it is utilized by the Colonial army and military barracks next to the TNI.
On January 10, 1972, the building with eight large pillars at the front of the building made it a historic and cultural heritage are protected. Years 1973-1976, the building was used for the Office of the Mayor of West Jakarta and only after it was inaugurated by President (then) Suharto Jakarta Arts Institute.
In 1990 the building was finally used as the Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics treated by the Department of Culture and the Museum of Jakarta.