World Animal Health Organisation (Office International des Epizooties / OIE) is committed to support international community efforts to eradicate the disease hydrophobia (rabies) worldwide. Viral disease transmitted from animals to humans has caused death of nearly 55,000 people per year worldwide, including in Indonesia.
The victims, mostly children, die after a period of terrible suffering. "Every ten minutes one person dies from rabies somewhere in the world. Ninety-nine percent of human cases due to bites by infected dogs. Rabies causes more deaths in the world than any other infectious disease and mainly affects children in developing countries," said Director General of the OIE, Bernard Vallat in his editorial on the OIE website, welcomed the Conference on Global Rabies Treatment 7 to 9 September 2011, in Seoul, South Korea.
OIE itself is based in Paris, France. Global Rabies Treatment Conference was organized in collaboration with OIE, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (Food and Agriculture Organization / FAO) and World Health Organization (World Health Organization / WHO) and the South Korean government. The conference was needed to bring together all parties involved in controlling rabies in animal sources and helps to create synergy between their individual efforts.
According to the OIE, the majority of resources available in rabies endemic countries is currently directed to treating humans who have been bitten, in many cases, by a dog. Most of the dogs without the owner or owners have failed to be responsible for animal health and to keep the animal under control.
OIE also noted that allocates part of these resources for the prevention of rabies in animals and the wild dog population control would help reduce the number of rabies cases in humans and animals worldwide.
Conference in Seoul would give priority to good governance decisions on the distribution of public resources or private, local, national and international response in animals that priority actions in line with the new concept of "One Health (One Health)", namely the concept of synergy handling of animal diseases and humans. The conference will also provide an opportunity to highlight recent success stories in the field of diagnosis, vaccination, animal population control, and governance system that involves various stakeholders, from public and private sectors.
Recommended conference in Seoul that will help prepare the OIE international standards on the new rabies control and achieve better coordination with its partners.
The conference will be open to all scientists concerned with the animal and public health, representatives from the veterinary services and animal health and public sectors and human health managers from around the world as well as all non-governmental players to contribute to control of rabies throughout the world.
Rabies caused by rabies virus from the genus Lyssavirus. Rabies virus in saliva, dogs or other carnivores. Transmission to humans occurs due to transmission through the saliva of rabid dogs that bite infected humans. Dogs infected with rabies virus usually show visible symptoms of savage about to bite, spit out excess water, and fear of water.
The last case of mad dog that is recorded by the OIE on August 16, 2011 in France. The case in France was known to spread from a puppy imported from Morocco on August 1, 2011 without complying with the health requirements of the disease. The animals come into contact with the puppy has been identified, namely the three cats that eventually dieutanasia (lethal injection) and a dog in the surveillance. Humans who come into contact with dogs have their health checked, too.
In Indonesia, hundreds of people have died after being bitten by a dog infected with rabies virus. Case of mad dog, for example, has even attacked the island of Bali, which since the time of the Dutch island of free thought mad dog. Two patient deaths due to rabies also occurs on the island of Nias, North Sumatra, in February 2011.
Flores Island is also still struggling to free a mad dog. As reported in Kompas, Denilson Tomy Toja (2 years), patients with rabies, villagers Nitakloang, District Nita, Kabupaten Sikka, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, died at Regional General Hospital TC Hillers, Maumere, August 13, 2011.
To raise awareness of the importance of handling the world's top rabies, the OIE conducting a World Rabies Day which falls on September 28.
Here are tips to avoid rabies:
1. Vaccinate pet dog with rabies vaccine to the nearest vet.
2. If bitten dog wash immediately with detergent and immediately came to the doctor or the nearest hospital.
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