During pregnancy, back pain is a thing That Should Happen. How not? Weight gain, gait changed, the hormones make all the muscles and ligaments throughout the body Becomes tense.
However, back pain, Should not be ignored. Fact must be Considered. Actually, back pain can be treated or even prevented. How?
Here are tips from the Mayo Clinic to cope with back pain During pregnancy.
1. Correct posture
The center of gravity of pregnant women will from increasingly leads to the front, in line with Increasing the period of gestation. To avoid to keep from falling forward, Will pregnant women usually try to enforce the agency by Bringing the body back.
The movement to the make the lower back and weighed back pain is Inevitable. Because of that, try to do the following in order to maintain posture, even though being pregnant:
• Stand up straight
• Chest dibusungkan
• Shoulders back and relaxed stay
• Do not dempetkan Both knees.
When standing, keep Both feet in the most comfortable position. Could be a position slightly apart from each other. If you must stand for long periods, rest one foot on a stool (stool). And sit down occasionally.
Correct posture means the lower back. Upper back and neck are always in a relaxed position, but upright. If Necessary, Both feet lift and place it on a lower bench.
2. Clothes That fit
Wear low-soled shoes. Pregnant also wear special pants with a low waist line and can support the abdomen.
3. Pls be careful lifting objects
When lifting a small object, squat down and lift the body with Both feet. Do not bend the waist or lift with your back. Also, do not lift heavy objects. It never hurts to ask for help to lift a particular object.
4. Sleep is facing left or right
Do not Sleep on Their Backs. Lay your body to one side, left or right. One or Both knees bent. Putting a pillow the between your knees also helps the other and one pillow under the abdomen.
5. Massage or a heating pad wear
Use a heating pad to warm your back. Or alternate the between hot and cold compresses. Stroked the back also can help Reduced pain. Better yet, if there are other People who can rub your back. Or schedule a prenatal massage by a professional masseuse.
6. Enter physical activity in daily routines
Regular physical exercise can help strengthen your back and can relieve back pain During pregnancy. With the approval of Physicians, do light activities, like swimming or walking.
7. Consider alternative therapy
According to the study, back pain, acupuncture can Reduced During pregnancy. Chiropractic can also create a comfortable back in the majority of pregnant women.
If you want an alternative therapy, talk with your obstetrician first. Physicians Should first confirm what the cause of back pain, whether it is really Because you're pregnant.
Finally, however, sounded a general back pain, still it Should not take lightly. Consult with your doctor is the best step if back pain does not go away or diminished as well, after you do some of the seven steps. Especially if your back feels extreme pain and accompanied by bleeding.
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