Tokyo was originally a small fishing village called Edo. In 1457, Ota Dōkan built Edo Castle. In 1590, Tokugawa Ieyasu in Edo-based, and after becoming shogun in 1603, the city became the administrative center of his army for the entire country. In the Edo period, Edo became one of the largest cities in the world with a population of a million people before the 18th century.
Edo became the de facto capital in Japan even though the emperor lived in Kyoto, the capital of the kingdom. After about 263 years, the shogunate government was overthrown under the banner of the emperor's reign recovery. In 1869, when Emperor Meiji moved to Edo at the age of 17 years, Tokyo has become a political and cultural center of the country, then made the capital of the kingdom's de facto by the court while the former Edo Castle to the Royal Palace. City of Tokyo was established then remained the capital of the state that revoked his city status in 1943 to be combined with the "Metropolitan Area" of Tokyo.Unfortunately, Tokyo suffered two great disasters in the 20th century, but fortunately this city can recover from both. One is the 1923 Kanto earthquake which caused 140,000 people dead or missing, and the second is the World War II, when Tokyo was bombed repeatedly in 1944 and 1945, causing 75,000 to 200,000 people were killed and half the town destroyed.
After the war, Tokyo was rebuilt, and glittering in the eyes of the world when the 1964 Summer Olympics held in this city. Age of the 1970s witnessed the construction of skyscrapers such as Sunshine 60, a controversial new airport construction [8] at Narita (which is rather far from the border town) in 1978, and the increase in population up to around 11 million (within the metropolitan area).
Network of subway and commuter Tokyo became one of the busiest in the world as more and more people are moving to Tokyo area. In the 1980s, property prices soar in the Japanese asset price bubble. After the bubble burst in the 1990s, many companies, banks, and many people are tied to mortgage debt, so there was a big recession that makes the era of the 1990s as the "lost decade" in Japan, but then gradually improved.
Land reclamation project in Tokyo also continued for centuries, especially in the area of Odaiba is used as the main entertainment and shopping areas.
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